Saturday, August 31, 2019

Computer Storage Devices Essay

Computer Storage Devices Storage devices are used in order to store various items such as programs, data and instructions. Storage was used as early as 1804 by hole punching paper cards in order to control machinery. Without storage, the computer programs and files that exist now would not be possible. There are many different devices used for storage today such as hard drives, floppy drives and CD-Rom drives. Hard drives come in all computers and are the main storage device. An average hard drive usually stores from four to fifty gigabytes, but there are hard drives with much greater capacities available. A hard drive works by using multiple platters which are made of glass, aluminum or ceramic which has been coated with a magnetic material. The data is recorded by arranging the magnetic particles in order to form bytes on the disk. Floppy drives are another type of storage unit in which the information is stored on a separate removable disk. There are two different types of floppy drives: a 3.5 inch and a 5.25 inch. The number refers to the size of the disk that is used in that particular drive. A 3.5 inch floppy drive can store 1.44 megabytes and a 5.25 floppy can store 1.2 megabytes. Imation has developed a superdisk drive which has a capacity of 120 or 200 megabytes which is backwards compatible with the 3.5 inch floppy. The third type of storage that I am going to talk about is a CD-Rom (Compact Disk) drive which also uses a removable disk in order to store data. A CD-Rom works by using a laser lens in order to burn pits into the surface of the CD. The surface of the disk, called land, reflects light back to the lens which is read as 1. The pits in the CD absorb the light and reads to be 0. A CD can store up to 700 megabytes of data. In addition to a CD-Rom, there is also a DVD (digital video disk) Rom which can store up to seventeen gigabytes of information. A DVD is different from a CD because the disk is denser due to the fact that the pits are packed closer to each other. Also, A DVD uses two layers of pits and can be double sided. Another method of storage is the Zip drive which uses a 3.5 inch zip disk and was created by Iomega. The disk can hold the equivalent of seventy floppy disks or 250 megabytes. The Jazz drive, which was also made by Iomega, can store up to two gigabytes. The drive with the largest capacity is the Tape drive which can store several terabytes. The only problem with this drive is that the information is only read/wrote in one direction which means that it takes an extensive period of time to retrieve data. Due to this inconvenience, this drive is primarily used for back up purposes. This paper describes the many different storage units that exist today due to the new advances in technology. There are even more drives that are available which were not listed because they are not as widely used today such as the Orb drive. A few decades ago people would only dream for a device that was capable of storing terabytes of information, but now that dream has become a reality. With the amount of new discoveries that are made every day, the future may possibly bring a device capable of storing exabytes of information.

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Sales and Business

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Sales and Business Charles M. Boliko EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This paper explores the impact of emotional intelligence in the business world. In a world that continues to innovate technologically, businesses are constantly looking for new ways to try to remain ahead of the competition, and it is clarified with this paper that one way to do this is by understanding how to use emotional intelligence to establish customer loyalty and good brand appeal.The interaction between a salesman and a potential client was analyzed and discussed to develop an understanding of how a salesman can use emotional intelligence to maximize the chances of making a deal with the client. Customer service in businesses was also a focal point of discussion. The conclusion that came to fruition was how good customer service must co-exist with emotional intelligence for a company to be successful. It has been determined from this essay that emotional intelligence has become an i ndispensable factor for success in business.Cherry (2012) explains an individual with the ability to perceive, evaluate, and control their emotions and the emotions of others is considered to be emotionally intelligent. Having the ability to recognize emotions and responding to them appropriately will make another individual feel understood. This sense of understanding helps establish a connection between individuals, who will then find it easier to relate with one another. In today’s world of sales, having the ability to connect with someone on an emotional level can be the difference between making a sale and losing the customer’s interest.Sales are part of the marketing process, in which salesmen and saleswomen proceed with offering a company’s product to potential buyers. This can only be done after marketing research has been conducted to segment and identify which customers are most likely to buy the product. This target group of customers is likely to beh ave a certain way, and have certain lifestyle preferences. So it is the responsibility of the Sales team to convince the customer that the product they are offering suits their lifestyle and meets their needs, based on the knowledge gathered about them. It can be said that the customer’s main need is to be satisfied with a roduct or service: they want to be happy. So the salesman with emotional intelligence and knowledge obtained about the customer from marketing research is more likely to respond appropriately to these customer needs. The emotionally intelligent salesman will be more successful with sales and hence improve his business. There are plenty of articles and training programs now that help salesmen and saleswomen develop their emotional intelligence to improve their sales performance. The results are made clear in an article written by Jennings and Palmer (2007), titled â€Å"Enhancing Sales Performance Through Emotional Intelligence Development†.The author s conclude emotional intelligence is positively correlated with sales performance, after an experiment was conducted. In the experiment, two groups’ performances were observed, with one group being under the emotional intelligence development program. The results showed that the performances of the group under the development program improved, with Chart 3 demonstrating how revenues generated by this group increased from the start of the project, and how these revenues were much greater than the amount generated by the second group.This again demonstrates that salesmen with greater emotional intelligence should be more successful with sales. Therefore, emotional intelligence has become an indispensable trait that enables salesmen and saleswomen to become more successful. Body language is a key component in non-verbal communication. In Sales, a salesman should be aware of the message being conveyed through body language as well, because the potential buyer might be conveying i nterest or disinterest. These signs are important for the success of a sale because salesmen who are socially aware will know how to respond to these signals and act accordingly.A good salesman would have various strategies to respond to given signs, increasing the probability of a successful sale. Failing to respond to the customer appropriately can almost guarantee the salesperson has failed to make a sale. Goman (2012) posted an article on Forbes titled â€Å"Knowing When to Back Off† describing an interaction she was observing between a salesman and a potential client in a bar. In a short paragraph she talks about how the salesman appeared to be doing well verbally, but he was putting the client in an uncomfortable position by sitting too close to him.The client began to inch away very slowly, and the salesman did not notice any of this. The client eventually ended up leaving the bar after excusing himself to make a phone call. The salesman failed to understand the client ’s basic need of personal space, which cost him the sale. Had the salesman recognized the non-verbal message being sent by the client, the client may have stayed. So it can be seen that developing this social awareness with emotional intelligence and understanding the needs of the customer become very important for the success of a salesman.The salesman would have to know about how to react to the emotion and message being conveyed with body language and control these emotions in order to lead the dialogue in the direction which hopefully leads to a sale. Companies with good customer service are considered more successful because of their ability to offer the customer exactly what they need, and more. Offering the customer what they need creates loyalty, meaning the same customers can return to the company for more services and purchases. Returning customers, in addition to new customers, would increase sales, which improve the business.The fact remains that the company has t o be able to satisfy the customers in order to be able to retain them. In order to do this, they must offer good customer service, which is done by listening to what the customer needs, responding to them and providing a solution which meets those needs. The extent to which the company is able to do this would determine the satisfaction of the customer. Emotional intelligence is therefore evident in good customer service because a sales associate in a retail firm, for example, is exposed to a wide range of personalities when preparing to assist a customer.The customer could be normal, angry, very rude, uneducated, highly emotional, or apathetic, so the sales associate will need to know how to respond to these various personalities in order to consistently provide great customer service. Understanding the right way to respond to these different personalities will help customers meet their needs at the store, which would generates sales, given customer service is provided the right wa y. This would ultimately lead to the company’s success. The associate’ ability to properly interact with a customer affects the reputation of the entire organization the associate works for.The sales associate must to have good emotional intelligence, which leads to excellent customer service. The key components which make up good customer service are similar to the traits of an individual who is emotionally intelligent, so for the success of a service, the emotional intelligence and good customer service must co-exist. The two characteristics of emotional intelligence that Horrigan (2012) explains in his article â€Å"Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence† which are most useful for offering good customer service are empathy and social skill.Not only should a sales associate be able to understand and empathize with a customer’s situation and need, the associate should be able to go beyond what was required to help the customer avoid dealing with certa in issues again. By leading the dialogue with customers in this manner, the associate earns trust from the customers, which improves customer loyalty with a company, which also affects the reputation of the organization. Companies with a better reputation are able to attract more customers, therefore increase sales. Apple Inc. , for example was placed first on CNN Money’s 2011 â€Å"World’s Most Admired Companies† list.The company was ranked third on MSN’s â€Å"2012 Customer Service Hall of Fame†, which is the highest rank for a firm in the retail industry in the United States. These rankings speak volumes about the kind of reputation Apple Inc. was able to establish. They are recognized for their innovation and for exceptional customer service. With the help of some competent, emotionally intelligent sales associates and the assistance provided by members of the Genius Bar, Apple Inc. was able to establish a massive customer base, because of thei r ability to actively meet the needs of the customers.As we can see with Apple Inc. , good customer service leads to customer loyalty and trust which leads to the success of the organization. This fact is confirmed in a Forbes article, written by Bickle (2012), a Forbes Inc. article contributor, titled â€Å"Three Attributes of Enormously Successful Companies†. Having established that great customer service and emotional intelligence must co-exist, and good customer service leads to company success, it can be said that emotional intelligence also leads to the success of an organization.Emotionally intelligent salesmen provide the kind of services that a customer is looking for (which varies for every customer), ultimately improving their sales performance, hence positively affecting the success of a business. In conclusion, emotional intelligence has become a key factor for the success of salesmen and businesses. There is a greater focus on establishing a connection with a cu stomer, in order to better understand and help the customer meet their need.A salesman or sales associate at a retail company needs to be empathetic and have the social skills required for creating this connection, and this new relationship creates customer trust and loyalty. This new found trust maximizes the chances of making a sale, which helps the business grow. Salesmen with emotional intelligence will have better sales performances, and emotionally intelligent businesses will offer the right customer service to satisfy the customer. Therefore, it can be seen that emotional intelligence has become an indispensable factor for success in Business.Works Cited Cherry, K. , (2012). What is Emotional Intelligence? Retrieved from http://psychology. about. com/od/personalitydevelopment/a/emotionalintell. htm Jennings, S. , Palmer, B. (2007, May). Enhancing Sales Performance Through Emotional Intelligence Development. Organizations & People, 14. Retrieved from http://www. bostonifi. com /bif/site/bfin/enhancing_sale_bfei. pdf Goman, C. , (2011, August 5). Knowing When to Back Off. Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/sites/carolkinseygoman/2011/08/05/knowing-when-to-back-off/ Horrigan, D. (2011, June 24). Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved from http://www. cio. com. au/article/391355/characteristics_emotional_intelligence/ CNN Money, (2011, March 21). World’s Most Admired Companies. Retrieved from http://money. cnn. com/magazines/fortune/mostadmired/2011/full_list/ Aho, K. , (2012). 2012 Customer Service Hall of Fame. Retrieved from http://money. msn. com/investing/2012-customer-service-hall-of-fame-1 Bickle, M. , (2012, April 24). Three Attributes of Enormously Successful Companies. Retrieved from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Water Crisis

Every day, the sun rises, and each night the sun sets. Ripples of the ocean turn into waves, rolling in and back out into the vast sea. Trees grow, creating crisp air to replenish aching lungs, and life, both human and beast, continue on throughout time. Mankind knows that the sun will rise. People are dependent on the rising and setting of this huge, flaming star; but with pollution, littering, and soaking up all of the natural resources, the world will cease to turn. In that event, can anyone still depend on the sun to rise? Imagine a world in which there was a shortage of water.Although lakes, oceans, rivers, and bays are natural resources, they are not everlasting. This world would become dry and cracked. Trees wouldn’t be able to grow; therefor oxygen would become scarce and rare. Imagine this horrifying land where eventually, the world runs out of water. That is the world we live in today. The scary part is, not everyone knows about it. According to http://www. concernus a. org, a website dedicated to the current water crises, â€Å"A child dies every 15 seconds from diseases caused by a lack of safe water and sanitation. Every year 1. million children dye from preventable diseases such as diarrhea, cholera and typhoid. † As the author’s illustrated, all of these diseases are due to unclean water. Blue Gold: World Water Wars is an intellectual documentary about the sanitation of water. As stated in this film, â€Å"Today, one in eight people still do not have access to safe drinking water and more than half of the diseases in the world are caused by unclean H2O. † The speaker claims that one out of every eight people will be diagnosed with a preventable disease because of the water crises.The video demonstrates that the cause of unsafe water is a direct result of humans mistreating natural resources. Oil spills, toxic fumes, and smoke billowing out of mills have contributed to infecting the sources of water. Richer nations such as the U. S use an insane amount of the world’s resources. For example, According to Flow, a documentary about abusing water, â€Å"Exploitation of natural resources like H20 -the majority of which is caused by wealthier nations-has caused an alarming devastation to the environment.The global water and sanitation crisis is mainly rooted in poverty, lack of education, and inequality, meaning the crisis is an issue of access. † This film conveys that poorer nations do not have adequate access to water. As a result, millions of women and children in developing countries walk several hours a day to collect water that is safe to drink, yet very often what they retrieve is still contaminated. In the United States, many people do not feel the urge to care or be concerned, because it does not directly harm them. Although sob stories from third world countries are tragedies, many citizens of rich nations do not feel the effects.If the world stays on its current path, it is only a matter of time before water as a whole runs out. When that time comes, everyone will embrace the end of days. There are ways in which people can help to save the planet. Over population, lack of hygiene, and no sanitation education all contribute to unclean water. A great way to begin rescuing the word’s water is to get educated about it. A huge part of the problem is that many people have no idea that the world has a limited supply of resources. Children who work to collect water for their families are sometimes denied an education, which, in turn, contributes to the cycle of poverty. www. concernusa. org). In developing countries, agriculture is by far the most important economic sector in the production of food. However, according to the UN, â€Å"an increasing number of regions are suffering from chronic water shortages. Severe, frequent droughts and limited water resources have a drastic impact on a population's means of earning a living and producing food. † A ccess to clean drinking water is what enables a nation to thrive. For instance, according to Running Dry, â€Å"Human Development is more closely linked to access to water and sanitation than any other sector, including health, education, or access to energy. The author details that water is the gateway to human development, and the lack of water in third world countries is what is slowing down their production. The world needs to make a change. As individuals, people can take shorter showers, lessen the time they leave the garden hose running, or do dishes in a more efficient way. Corporations can agree to decrease pollution, and as a result the water can become clean again. Although this will take a long time to reverse the effects, the time to act is now. Because of water, whether it is a clear brook or a foamy ocean spray, life is able to exist.Trees grow, oxygen is plentiful, people are able to harvest food, and surviving goes from possible to likely. The world wasn’t m eant to become dry and cracked. It needs water to thrive just like everyone else. If humans can limit their usage of water, then they can still depend on the spinning of the earth; and as time goes on, so will human existence. Sources Blue Gold: World Water Wars. 11/20/2011 Documentary www. concernusa. org. 11/15/2011. Website Flow 11/15/2011. Documentary Running Dry. 11/21/2011. Film/book

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Finance and Accounting in the Entrepreneurship Business coursework Essay

Finance and Accounting in the Entrepreneurship Business coursework - Essay Example ase of the demand for the slap-up industrial coating material in the market, the SIJIA Industrial Material intends to come into the market of advanced PVC used as slap-up industrial coating material. According to the research, the demand for slap-up industrial coating material increases more rapidly than the supply. There are less than 10 manufactures which produce slap-up industrial coating material exclusively. Although some manufactures which produce mid/low end products whilst supplying the slap-up products, the scales are very small. And some of our existing customers are willing to purchase our slap-up products if we supply. The current thinking in Financial Management is that financial managers do not perform the role of goal keeping of financial data and information, and arranging funds, whenever directed to do so by the Board of Directors of Companies. Rather, financial managers perform key roles in top management areas by solving complex management problems. Financial management is a concept which deals with the efficient and effective use of economic resources, such as capital funds, in a most appropriate manner. Moreover, the concept of both finance and accounting is closely inter-related. As a finance manager, it is essential to provide a thorough analysis of almost all areas of business, to order to ensure the beneficial applicability of plans, policies and procedures. Finance managers lay stress on making judicious judgments on the profitability, solvency, liquidity, and growth aspects of the firm. Financial data occupy a bottom slot in business planning, albeit an important one, in business co ncepts and performance of the management team. Income statements are simple and straightforward reports on the proposed businesss cash-generating abilities. The advanced PVC used as slap-up industrial coating material is an important kind of the material for uniform such as the environment-protecting people’s clothes which require the highly damp proof

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Strategic Marketing Management 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Strategic Marketing Management 2 - Assignment Example The target market comprise of early adopters and technophiles. The marketing mix for Prius shows that it is a great product with superior technology. It has used great promotions and effective distribution channel in order to promote Prius. The internal resources of the company namely the production system, corporate culture, distribution channels and financial resources are the key factors which have helped Toyota attain market leadership. The report then analyzes the external situation in terms of competition and macro environment. There is intense rivalry among the major players namely GM, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, Nissan. Honda was the first company to launch hybrid cars after Toyota. The macro environmental factors include strict emission norms by the US government, efforts to save the domestic industry and so on. The report concludes with the SWOT analysis of the company and with strategic recommendations. Toyota first entered US in 1957. Today Toyota is the market leader in the global automobile market. The production system of Toyota is accepted worldwide and every company is trying to implement the production system of Toyota. Realizing the need for economical cars, Toyota was the first company in the world to come out with hybrid technology cars. It came out with the Prius in 2000. The share of hybrid vehicles in US is 2.5% which is the highest in the world. The report tries to analyze the internal and external situation that is affecting Toyota Prius. It tries to find out the market situation, target market, marketing mix, supplier situation and the internal resources and capabilities of Toyota. It then analyzes the external environment in the context of industry rivalry and the macro environment. The automobile industry in US was the largest in the world till 2009. It was the most attractive destination for all car manufacturers. However due to recession which has affected US the most, the sales has declined considerably. The sales of automobile

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

An examination of colossians Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

An examination of colossians - Dissertation Example On the other hand, there are some scholars who are looking into the past using the lens of the current period. 4This approach also suffers from the pitfall of failing to see the uniqueness of the situation of the past, thus distinguishing it from the current human condition.5 The problem of ethnocentrism is crucial in interpreting past events, contexts, and narratives. In this regard, Colossians 1.12-13 presents an old theme and promise repeatedly told in the Old Testament that is fulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament and yet a seeming contradiction to many in contemporary society, †¦Constantly give thanks to the Father who has empowered us to receive our share in the inheritance of the saints in his kingdom of light. He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son †¦ The verse offers a summary of God’s redemptive act of love. It speaks no longer of a promise, but of a reality that is made available to those â₠¬Å"the Father who has qualified .. to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light†.6 Likewise, it uses the imagery of â€Å"deliverance as presented in Exodus and Jesus theme of Kingdom†. ... The second concern raise against Colossians 1.12-13 is the fact that, the contemporary period, lives in the â€Å"age of syncretism†. The contemporary period is marked by the continued effort of many to harmonize existing religious differences. This is not in itself wrong, but it creates a system wherein Jesus is relegated as one of the founders of religion and Christianity is just one of the many religions.8 In the effort to create a harmonious space for the co-existence of various recognized religions, beliefs, ideologies, and other principles and philosophies, Jesus becomes just one of the leaders of religion, â€Å"they are not denying him , but they are dethroning Him and robbing Him of His rightful place of preeminence†. 9As such, there is a crisis in contemporary Christian faith. Since, many fail to give to God what is due to Him as they focus on other teachings, principles, teachings and beliefs that reduce their obedience, trust, and faithfulness to the Word of God. This same scenario is the primary concern that the faithful in Colossae were facing. In fact, one of the major themes of Colossians is how to address false beliefs that threatened faith of Christians in Colossae. Geographically, Colossae was one of the three cities situated 100 miles from Ephesus.10 The other two cities were Laodicea and Hierapolis.11 Colossae was considered as the melting pot of the East and West. There was a time that it was an important trade route. However, economic activities within the city started to slow down until it became a small town. Nonetheless, Colossae remained a significant city because of the numerous beliefs and philosophies mingled within the city. Ideas continued to influx the city.12 These ideas and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assessment - Essay Example A closed book exam, for example, requires the person being examined to rely on memory to answer the questions. Examinations are also formal or informal. Formal tests normally result in test scores or grades. A standardized test is a type of exam that is usually consistently administered and scored for legal defensibility (Thissen and Wainer, 2001). This type of exam is used in professional certification, education, psychology, military as well as many other fields. On the other hand, non-standardized tests are flexible in format and scope and also variable in significance and scope, as they depend on the person who has set the exam. Why this Assessment Instrument was Chosen This assessment instrument was chosen because it is a universal tool that is applied in many parts of the world. Moreover, it is approved and recognized by many countries, professional and academic bodies. Examination is also the best instrument of assessment because it is very valid and reliable. Almost every per son must undergo through an examination in many areas of life and hence, it is well known and appreciated by people of all races, ages, gender or social backgrounds. Importance of Examination Examination, as an assessment mode started in china and later spread to other parts of the world. Though it was historically used to select people who would serve in the government, it was later applied in education to determine the skills, knowledge and other qualifications of the candidates. ... grades from standardized tests are very useful because they determine if an individual qualifies for a certain job, professional or academic program (Phelps, 2005). In some countries, additionally, standardized tests are used to manage their institution’s quality. For instance, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) applies (PISA), Program for International Student Assessment, to evaluate certain knowledge and skills of students who may be participating from many countries. Furthermore, Phelps, (2005) states that specific governing bodies use standardized exams to determine if the participant has the permission to practice a certain profession, use a certain job title, or claim competency in certain set skills. For instance, a candidate who wishes to be a lawyer is normally required to successfully pass a bar tests by governing bodies like governmental bar licensing agency. Exams are also used to regulate immigration in certain countries. In Australi a, for example, standardized tests are used to award citizenship to immigrants after passing the citizenship test. Competition is another importance of exams. Tests are used to select participants who have success potentials in a competition like school contests. Finally, examinations are used by social or other groups to select individuals who would join their groups. Mensa International, for instance, is a society with high IQ and requires individuals to at least score 98th percentile supervised IQ test to become members (Thissen, and Wainer, 2001). Validity and Reliability Examination is very reliable as an assessment tool especially in education and other professional qualifications. Thissen and Wainer, (2001) believes that standardized exams in education should be continued because it is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Vietnam War and American Pop Music Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Vietnam War and American Pop Music - Term Paper Example Feminism, African-American Civil Rights Movement, Anti-Vietnam War Protests and even Sexual Revolution occurred in the Sixties. But there is no revolution in that era that has had the profound effect like the one the Vietnam War had. The Vietnam War has left a huge mark in America’s social psyche, and subsequently made an impact in the collective consciousness of the American people. Many films have been made, songs, books and even TV shows that echoed the sentiments of the people during that time. This era changed the people’s view on media, politics, the government and other institutions. If the people in the other eras before trusted the government with its actions, this era saw that the people did not trust the government as much because it deployed their sons to another country, in what the Americans viewed as a futile war. The Vietnam War actually started in 1955. As an offshoot of the Cold War between the Communist Russia and the Democratic United States, the Vie tnam war is also about the battle of communism and democracy. It was between the communist Vietnam (North), controlled by the Viet Congs and the democratic Vietnam (South). The US, as a protector of liberty, tried to protect the democratic Vietnam from the communists who were trying to unite Vietnam by making the country a wholly communist one. Because of this threat to democracy, America rounded up its troops, mostly composed of young men. In 1960, the first massive recruits occurred, doubling up in numbers in 1962, and in 1963, the world saw that the American troops have tripled in number. These young troops were to be deployed in Vietnam. This happening, along with other socio-cultural movements in the 60s, spurred a massive protest movement. It has to be noted that this era saw the African-Americans being granted equal rights, the women equality with men, the environment being taken importance, etc. This war added to the agenda that the people were so keen to push. The people di d not want to wage war, unlike the government. The people pushed for peace and focusing on the environment, not having their sons, brothers and husbands killed. This conflict between the people and the government spurred the people’s disillusionment on the American government. This event, the Vietnam War, challenged their views pertaining to their leaders and their heads of state. It was inevitable anyway, the troops were sent to fight in the war. For nineteen years the United States has been deploying troops over at the Asian country. They lost the war. This fueled the masses’ discontent for the government. This discontent permeated through the pop culture. It has made its way in the people’s everyday lives, especially with the movies and music. Art is a reflection of reality. Music and movies are art forms and they do reflect reality in whatever form they can, intentionally or not, since the creators’ consciousness also reflects the events that happen a round him, through the art he has been making. This is especially true in protest music that made its way into the lives of the Americans in the 60s. Protest music is a result of a musician’s conscious effort to be heard. The rise of protest music in the United States was seen during the time of the Vietnam War. True, protest music existed way before, ever since man started to sing, but the Vietnam War, with the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Article by robert wright Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Article by robert wright - Essay Example The dominant culture to occupy the world as a standard mode of carrying activities has been the bone of contention in this area. Wright on his view states that the Americans have been on the fore run of ensuring that their values are appreciated all over the world. On the other hand, this has initiated reactions in different parts of the world leading to attacks such as terrorism (Wright, 2). This has been realized in the recent past with increases attacks on America. The attacks include organized terror groups who target America in the effort to kill their dominant position in the world. In the process there have been challenges in handling terror group and rebellious countries as evident with Iran. Iraqi had organized terror groups that looked into putting down the American domination efforts. Considering this it is worth noting that America has had difficult time in doing away with such groups despite it being a super power. Dealing with Iraqi in the war had to take lots of efforts and technology as the Americans also suffered losses during the terror attacks executed by the Saddam led group. Both Kaplan and Wright apply the historical occurrences that have determined the progress and behavior of the various dominating powers. By this, Americans have been viewed as those who lead in ideologies and principles followed by most parts of the world. On the same note, they bring in Christianity as the religion that seeks to dominate the world originating from the west, especially America. The recognition of Christianity as the religion to be adopted right from the historical perspective defines it all. Both Kaplan and Wright puts it on the perspective that globalization has been a historically linked event that is still to be towed. Generation after generation keeps applying their efforts towards ensuring that the whole world follows a given form of operation.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Response to 4 students with 60 words each and 2 references for each Coursework

Response to 4 students with 60 words each and 2 references for each response - Coursework Example This was in the sense that the writer looked beyond just one area or aspect of resistance to identify three clear forms of resistance. These were the individual, group and larger system (quote). With this, it was possible to outline and equip global managers with some of the major areas of organizational change that they can give their focus to especially when they want to curtail the problem of resistance (quote). It was therefore of great importance that the writer systematically divided the forms of resistance. This particular writer paid much tribute to the fact that organizational changes are inevitable and reasons why resistance to organizational change may be resistance (quote). Much attention was however given to these that not much that not much in-depth analysis could be done on ways of addressing the resistance. Meanwhile, for the manager who uses the present study, the best way that he would benefit is for him to be made aware of some of the key problem solving solutions to resistance to organizational change (quote). The writer focused on causes of resistance to organizational change. As much as this is a useful step and way of informing managers of some practices that could lead to resistance to the changes they profess to undertake (quote), it would have been more useful if specific solutions to addressing the issues were outlined. Some of these solutions could be given in a real life case study of a known

Thursday, August 22, 2019

OD Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

OD - Coursework Example The aforementioned points are essential since training of workers ensures professionalism and growth. Leaders must also be able to come up with mechanisms to solve issues so as to reduce resistance to changes. Moreover, motivation is important in enhancing morale and guaranteeing a balanced workplace. Leaders should also be able to come up with structures that guarantee proficiency, increase the level of support, morale, and heighten employee retention rate. Continuity of leadership is also vital in making sure that effective decisions are made and problems solved on time. Although the author has made informative remarks and suggestions on how leaders can make sure that there is professionalism and on ways they can train their workers, it is unfortunate that he has failed to give more detailed information on how employees can be motivated. He only mentions the benefits that come with motivating the workforce, but not ways in which this can be achieved. He should have pointed some of the motivation strategies such as recognizing, promoting, providing benefits such as health, and increasing employees’ salary among others. On the same note, he asserts that training of employees is important, but does not give reasons why leaders should do it. Such reasons may have included increasing the rate of retention, heightening productivity, and reducing work oriented flaws. Dobriansky, J. (2005). Critical issues in organizational development. Retrieved from

Special Needs Rule Criminal Evidence Essay Example for Free

Special Needs Rule Criminal Evidence Essay This week we were giving the following scenario and ask to decide if this incident follows in the special needs rule and if it justify the officer’s search of the parked car’s trunk without probable cause? In this essay I will be discussing the special needs rule and my thoughts on the scenario. First of all let me start by giving the scenario we were given to work on this week that way you have a better idea of what’s going on. A police officer was investigating a burglary during which a handgun had been stolen. The police officer was at the time also acting as the police advisor to a high school. School officials called the officer and told him that the gun might be in the trunk of a students car parked in the school parking lot. Next let me explain the special needs rule that way you have a clear understanding of what it means. This is when an officer feels that he or someone else is in danger and must satisfy a government interest beyond ordinary criminal wrong doing. Just so you understand what it means here an example .A officer goes to a call for domestic dispute and other people in house start acting sapience and he spots a gun near one of the resident’s then he may search house and retained everyone till the house is cleared for his safety and other. In the above scenario I believe the officer has full rights to search the said vehicle do to the facts as listed. The first cause would be guns are not permitted on school grounds and I believe it his duty to see to it that it not goanna be used to commit a crime against students on campus. Last of all I believe no student should have a gun in a vehicle without being legal age and having proper carriage licenses. I believe that the officer has all right to believe that there is a crime is being committed if said school officials have proof that there is cause to believe student has gun. My personal thoughts if this officer was made aware and didn’t check it  out as a parent I would be upset. For several reason but mostly due to fact that he could have put mine and other children in harm’s way. I believe it always better to be safe than sorry due to how bad the school shootings have got. I feel if we could get guns out of our kids hands then we should and authorizes should help. Well now that this is said I hope you find my points and thought to be helpful and honest. I have really enjoyed learning about this special need rule and believe that officer have become so afraid of being wrong that they don’t exercise this rule enough. As a officer wife I know I would rather my husband be safe and keep his oath to protect than to have a guilty conscience’s. Reference’s that I found useful: 1. 2. 3. 4. I also talk with Officer Luke Denning of Springfield Police Department of Springfield, FL

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Legacy of the Cold War

Legacy of the Cold War Sana Karwan Benjamin Boyce The Legacy of the cold war All through history, conflicts and battles between civilizations and nations have been inevitable. Nations have built military protections, whether they were threatened or not. Many wars have happened throughout our history, some small and some huge. Two of the important wars in history are the world wars happened in the twentieth century. In â€Å"Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: Intro to Theory and History† by Joseph Nye and David Welch, it is mentioned that the alliance system between the countries in Europe appeared to be multipolar, then it became less stable and Germany rose in power, the balance of power seemed less multipolar and became a bipolar system of alliance and increased the likelihood of war, which was the first world war. After the First World War, the League of Nation was formed; the main aim of the league was Collective Security. But the league failed to attain what it was established for. Although against the rules of the league, but Britain and France formed an alliance and guaranteed the safety of Poland. One of the reasons based on a state level of analysis was when Adolf Hitler moves his troops to Poland and World War Two starts. Adolf Hitler’s target was Russia, Germany had a Fascist government and USSR had a Communist government. After attacking the USSR by the Germans, Josef Stalin allies with the United States and the Britain against Germany, forming the big three. Stalin had conditions fighting this war against the Germans, which was taking all the territories he wants after the war is over. After the defeat of the Germans, the wartime allies, the US and the USSR, so quickly become enemies and the Cold War starts. The cold war left the world militarized, thousands of people lost their lives, many countries financial and economic states were influenced, and the last but not the least, it left a legacy of Nuclear Weapon on the world. (Nye and Welch, 2012) The United States ends the Second World War by being the international policeman, fighting against communism. With the initiatives the US started, USSR started to worry and wanted to show off his power against the US as well. The Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine were two initiatives by the United States, one to aid Europe rebuild its countries that were affected by the war and the later was to indirectly fight communism. The USSR as a communist country, did not take the Marshall Plan, he did not want to be indebted to the US and didn’t want to show the US they need their money. Also, with the Truman Doctrine, the Republicanism/Communism war started between the two major powers of the second half of the twentieth century. (JFK Library, 2015) The Cold War was the tense relationship between the United States and USSR and their allies. The war started after the Second World War ended up to the collapse of the Soviet Union, from 1945 to 1991. The outbreak of the war was difference in ideology of the two powers. Each one of them was trying to convince the other who is stronger. Politically, the Soviet Union was fighting for Marxism and the United States for Republicanism, and economically, the USSR was supporting communism and the US was supporting capitalism. The two countries never directly confronted each other militarily, but threatened each other by nuclear weapon and fought proxy wars- using the resources of other countries to showcase power. The war defined the foreign policy of the two powers and was a competition of who is the superpower. (Kramer, 1999) Arthur Schlesinger based on a revisionist thesis thinks that after the Second World War, US deliberately abandoned their policy of helping and collaboration of the European countries to rebuild Europe. Exhilarated by the possession of atomic bomb, the United States undertook a course of aggression of self-designed to abolish the communism influence of Russia on Eastern Europe and to establish democratic and capitalist states. Truman, the US president at that time, left the Russians no alternative but to defend their boarders. On the other hand, John Mearsheimer claims that â€Å"the absence of war in Europe since 1945 has been a consequence of three factors: the bipolar distribution of military power on the continent; the rough military equality between the two states compromising the two poles in Europe, the United States and the Soviet Union; and the fact that each superpower was armed with a large nuclear arsenal.† Mearsheimer argues that possibility for major crisis and in stability in Europe was very likely after the cold war. He also believes that Europe without the superpowers would be more likely to suffer violence than the past 45 year. In addition to that, he considers that the anarchic nature of these two super powers over Europe pretty much defined their foreign policies. (Schlesinger, 1967) (Mearsheimer, 1990) Mearsheimer explains the Cold War as the longest period of peace in European history. During the Cold War, Europe faced no major war according to him, only a couple of minor wars that didn’t bring Europe to major war. Furthermore, he illustrates that there were major crisis in Europe during the early years of the war which again didn’t not bring Europe to the brink of war. He believes that domestic factors, especially nationalism caused the wars of the pre 1945 era, while the post 1945 era, although European states were more concerned about peace, but domestic factors had lesser important in the international community, since distribution of military power between states had characterized Europe. Based on these assumptions, during the cold war, a militarized Europe was the result of the Cold War. (Mearsheimer, 1990) I interviewed my father about the military influence of the Cold War. He told me that based on what I have read about the Cold War is that after the Second World War the USSR had influenced and Controlled much of Eastern Europe, and the United States took that into consideration, that they didn’t want that communism view to spread more. They didn’t confront each other militarily, but the world was in a psychological war because of these two superpowers. The influence of the Cold War reached Africa, central Asia and the Middle East, specifically Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. The Cold War left a legacy of heavy militarization of the World that there was no national or international security. The US and the USSR developed far more advanced nuclear weapons than the Hiroshima experience. The countries under the Soviet Union were oppressed, there was no democracy in Russia, and the Soviet Union was so busy in aiding the country and other countries that were aga inst the US militarily led to the collapse of the USSR. When I asked him about the Iraq-Iran war in the 1980s and the influence of the Cold War, he recalled that although the Iraq was under the circle of the Soviet Union, but the United States was helping Iraq indirectly. In 1988, the US hit one of Iran’s airplanes in Iraq and this was an alert. Also in his opinion in Central Asia, with the establishment of Taliban and Al-Qaida, the US was helping these currently so called terrorist groups against the Soviet Union. This reminded me of the â€Å"I am Malala† book by Malala Yousafzaithat I read recently. As a kid, Malala recalls how the US is helping Taliban against Russia. C. Fred Bergsten talks about three global transformations to the world economy after the Cold War. â€Å"First, the reforms in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if successful, will end the Cold War and most East-West confrontation, and will allow substantial reductions in military arsenals. Second, the salience of security issues will decline sharply; economics will move much closer to the top of the global agenda. Third, the world economy will complete its evolution from the American-dominated regime of the first postwar generation to a state of US-Europe-Japan tripolarity.† what he means by these transformations is that the role of individual states will go back to the international economic positions they supposed to have. Also, he is trying to draw our attention to a united Europe with a strong economy that will create a large market for trade. The reason he is talking about these economic roles of Europe is that the United States is in relative economic decline. During the World Wars in Europe, the United States appeared to have the largest economy that was willingly helping the European countries to rebuild Europe. (Bergsten, 1990) In conclusion, the Cold War left a huge economic and military legacy on the world. It left the world with plenty of military bases of the United States around the world. May be the economic legacy of the Cold War was not as big as the military legacy, but it took time for Europe to rebuild itself. In my opinion, the legacy of the Cold War can be obviously seen in Central Asia, especially in Afghanistan, where Al-Qaida was established in. The United States helping the terrorist group in Afghanistan against USSR hit back on them in September 11, 2001. So, the Cold War that is called to be the longest period of peace in Europe had a corrupt aftermath on the world and left the world militarized that we cannot help fixing. Works Cited Bergsten, C. Fred. The Wrold Economy after the Cold War. The New American Realism. Foreign Affairs. Council on Foreign Relations. Vol. 69, No. 3 (Summer, 1990), pp. 96-112. March 20, 2015. Kramer, Mark. Ideology and the Cold War. Review of International Studies. Cambridge University Press. Vol. 25, No. 4 (Oct., 1999), pp. 539-576. March 19, 2015. Mearsheimer, John. Back to the Future: Instability in Europe after the Cold War. International Security. The MIT Press. Vol. 15, No. 1 (Summer, 1990), pp. 5-56. March 20, 2015. Nye Jr., Joseph and Welch, David. Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History. 9th edition. February 19, 2012. March 19, 2015. Schlesinger, Arthur. Origins of the Cold War. The New American Realism. Foreign Affairs. Council on Foreign Relations. Vol. 46, No. 1 (Oct., 1967), pp. 22-52. March 20, 2015. The Cold War. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library Museum. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library Museum, n.d. March 19, 2015. I also interviewed my father.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Anti Social Behaviour Orders Criminology Essay

The Anti Social Behaviour Orders Criminology Essay For many years the law enforcement agencies have been criticised for using ineffective methods when dealing with badly behaved youth. These criticisms have led the Tony Blair government to take an action on the issue, and as a result the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders were introduced. The Anti-Social Behaviour Orders were originally introduced by the Crime and Disorders Act in 1998( Walklate 2007). Later on the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders were supported even further by the Anti-Social Behaviour Act which was passed in 2003 (Knepper, Doak., Shapland 2009) . Anti-Social Behaviour Orders can be explained as a concurrence between the police and the young person who have committed an offence which can be classified as anti-social behaviour. Any behaviour that causes a nuisance or disturbance to the people living in and around a surrounding area can be categorized as anti-social behaviour. Specific examples of anti-social behaviour include offences such as; graffiti, vandalism and causing e xcessive noise(McEvoy, Newburn2003). The Anti-Social Behaviour Orders punish the individual who has behaved anti-socially by restricting their behaviour in one form or another. For example an Anti-Social Behaviour Order can prohibit an individual who has behaved anti-socially from returning to a certain area or shop. Therefore it can be stated that these orders are issued hoping that it will prohibit the individual in receipt of the Anti-Social Behaviour Order from committing further anti-social behaviour offences by restricting their behaviours. Anti-Social Behaviour Orders are issued by the magistrates court.( ) The burden of proof for an Anti-Social Behaviour Order to be issued should be beyond reasonable doubt. This means that the claimant has to prove that the defendant who has been arrested had been behaving anti-socially. One limitation of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders is that they are seen as a solution after an individual commits an act of anti-social behaviour. Therefore Anti-Social Behaviour Orders are designed to punish rather than to prevent anti-social behaviour in the first place. For example statistics show that young children aged between six and nine years old learn to behave anti-socially through imitating teenagers behaviours in their community who acts anti-socially. As this is clearly stated in the statistics, rather than waiting for this age group to be influenced by their elders and get issued an ASBO things like after school clubs can be encouraged to prevent those children from behaving anti-socially. On the other hand in the statistics obtained it is indicated that anti-social behaviour orders are a successful solution in the sense that a teenager with an ASBO stays out of trouble and this reduces the youth crime rate. (Millie2009) This view has also been stated by the resident in areas affected by what is viewed as yobbish and anti-social behaviour. They have reported improvements in their neighbourhood when Anti-Social Behaviour Orders have been issued to young people who have committed acts of anti-social behaviour. However issuing an Anti-Social Behaviour Order to a teenager who behaves anti-socially leads them to be labelled in their community as a trouble maker. In some sense this prevents the individual to engage in with their daily life (Home Office 2008). In very few situations the individual who have been issued an Anti-Social Behaviour Order wants to improve their standard of life. In most situations the ASBO seems to have a big and long term impact on the young individuals lives. For example according to the survey of youth offending teams issuing an Anti-Social Behaviour Order to the young individual who behaves anti-socially leads them to have mental disorder problems such as depression, suicidal problems and personality disorder. The individual who has given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order goes into depression because they cannot carry on living as they used. On the other hand other some young individuals who behave anti-socially see getting an ASBO as an honour badge. So a young pers on who has an ASBO is pursued as having a higher rank in their what is so called gang by their friends. When talking about todays society media plays a big role, and like most of the issues that concern general public, media highly affects peoples views regarding teenagers who are behaving anti-socially( Clarke 2003). This can be linked with the theory of labelling and stereotyping. The news regarding anti-social behaviour is pursued by the media subjectively rather than objectively. These subjective views are then passed onto the public through media organs such news. For example the media puts across the view that most youngsters who behave anti-socially are children who have a working class background. When this view is stated in the media it leads to stereotyping of all the working class youngsters. Pursuing this particular group as trouble makers leads them to not being given equal chances in life when compared with youngsters who are not included in this stereotyping. This is where the strain theory comes in (Treadwell 2006).The strain theory suggests that the crime is the result of individuals being blocked in terms of mainstream society from reaching certain goals and under the consequent strain they seek deviant or criminal ways to reach those goals. In a way it would fair to say that, these stereotyping views of the society leads young individuals to commit acts of anti-social behaviour. Another criticism of the Anti-social Behaviour Order is that these orders have introduced many new criminal offences. More criminal offences mean that young individuals are more likely to commit criminal offences (Squires 2008). However it is noted in the drafting of the Anti-social Behaviour Order Bill that getting only one ASBO issued for an individual does not mean they get a criminal record. This can be scored as a good point for the Anti-social behaviour Order scheme, as criminalising young people just for a minor offence will mean, they will have a bad criminal record all their lives. However if the terms of the Anti-Social Behaviour Order is broken then the individual faces a criminal conviction which can result in with an up to five years of imprisonment. One of the few positive perceptions towards the Anti-social Behaviour Orders is that they do not cost the government too much. For example if an individual who had committed an act of anti-social behaviour was to be tried and convicted by the courts instead of taking proceedings to issue an Anti-Social Behaviour Order this would cause the government to waste more of their budget on youngsters who are behaving anti-socially.(Knepper 2007) For example after the young individual was sentenced and sent into the prison, there would be additional costs to keep them in the jail such as to provide food for them. Another strength of the Anti-social Behaviour Orders is that some people see them as a fast and efficient system to resolve anti-social behaviour in the community. On the other hand others believe that Anti-social Behaviour Orders on their own is not enough to prevent a youngster from re-offending. A more effective move towards anti-social behaviour can be taken through multi-agency approach. For example once an individual is issued an Anti-social Behaviour Order they should also be sent to rehabilitation programmes to make sure that they do not re-offend. Along side of this they should be sent to do community work to improve these young people perceptions and the way they see the world. Sending these young offenders to do community work will also improve their relationships with other individuals from the community and this might be a more permanent solution than just issuing an Anti-social Behaviour Order. Although there are some positive sides to the Anti-social Behaviour Orders, it can be concluded there are more negative sides to it. Therefore it would be right to conclude that the scheme of Anti-social Behaviour Orders needs a serious reform, in order to resolve the problem of highly rising anti-social behaviour rate. Home Office (2008) Anti-Social Behaviour [online] available from [10 July2010] Clarke .D (2003) Pro-social and anti-social behaviour .Routledge Squires P. (2008) ASBO nation: the criminalisation of nuisance The Policy Press .London Knepper .P (2007) Criminology and social policy Sage London Millie .A (2009) Anti-Social Behaviour .McGraw-Hill McEvoy.K, Newburn.T (2003) Criminology, conflict resolution and restorative justice .Palgrave Macmillan Walklate. S (2007) Understanding criminology: current theoretical debates .McGraw-Hill International Knepper. P, Doak. J, Shapland .J(2009) Urban crime prevention, surveillance, and restorative justice: effects of social technologies Crc Press London Treadwell .J (2006) Criminology , Sage London

Monday, August 19, 2019

Global Warming Essay -- Environment, Renewable Energy

Everyone is talking about it, and the news is constantly covering it. But nobody ever does anything about it. The â€Å"it† is global warming. Global warming has been steadily increasing since the industrial revolution at alarming rates causing extreme weather including droughts, floods, heat waves, and hurricanes, which is a major concern. In fact, it’s increasing at a rate of 10% every year (Ferrey 68). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a group of scientists and government representatives from 130 countries that estimate the temperature rise to be 3.2-7.8 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100 (Cunningham 207). There is a way to slow carbon emissions. The people of Sweden produce only 6.5 tons per person per year of carbon dioxide (CO2) versus the United States with a CO2 production rate of 20.14 tons per person per year. Amazingly, Sweden adopted renewable energy sources and strict conservation measures which have reduced its carbon emissions by 4 0 percent over the past 30 years while still experiencing dramatic increases in personal income and quality of life (Cunningham 208). In order to minimize the consequences of global warming, we must introduce highly efficient vehicles, create an abundance of renewable resources, and form the laws needed to slow global warming. Each of these solutions will provide a dramatic impact in reducing the carbon emissions, but it will take more than just the effort of these solutions, we must apply them to keep the earth as healthy as possible. The first solution is the introduction of highly efficient cars that will get better gas mileage and consume much less fossil fuel because they are the primary producers in global warming (Heckeroth 94). There has been significant develo... ...ote these technologies, developing nations will not take part in these options, which are often more expensive to implement. They will instead decide to burn coal and other fossil fuels (Ferrey 19). This would then defeat the purpose of proposing solutions because they would be doing the opposite of what is intended. In conclusion, there is a lot that is needed to be done about global warming, but the change won’t happen fast. In order to minimize the consequences of global warming, these solutions must be acted upon right away in order to slow global warming. We humans are the ones ultimately responsible of this problem; so we must agree in every way to solve it before the consequences get even worse. If this is followed the world will then have converted into a primarily solar energy world, free of its dependence on fossil fuels and the harm of the environment.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Religion in Pat Barkers Regeneration :: Pat Barker Regeneration Essays

Religion in Pat Barker's Regeneration In Pat Barker's novel Regeneration, one of the main characters, Dr. Rivers, is presented with a patient who is not mentally ill at all, but very sane. In trying to "heal" this patient, Rivers begins to have an internal conflict about the job he is doing and the job he should be doing. He is fighting with himself until on page 149, he is in a church where they are singing a very popular hymn, "God Moves in a Mysterious Way." At this point, Rivers is able to begin resolving his conflict. By using this hymn, Barker is able to emphasize one of the novel's theme: in times of war, reflection on religion not only brings peace to a country, but can bring peace within yourself. The author of the famous hymn "God Moves in a Mysterious Way" is William Cowper. He was born to John Cowper and Ann Donne on November 26, 1731. In 1768, Cowper moved to Olney in Buckinghamshire ("William Cowper"). Three years later, he started what would be known as the "Olney Hymns," but because of severe melancholy, Cowper did not finish this work until 1779. The very last hymn in this book is "Light Shining out of Darkness" (Cowper). This hymn is the one that most Christians all over England would know as "God Moves in a Mysterious Way." Even though the hymn may not have been as popular among the soldiers on the battlefield, according to Alan Wilkenson's book, The Church of England and the First World War, "[a]t home, 'God moves in a mysterious way' was a very popular hymn" (157). Historians did not comment on why this particular hymn was so popular during the war. However, the verses in the hymn remind Christians that God is watching over them, and that He has a purpose for every thing He does (Cowper). This idea may have provided some reassurance to the families and friends of soldiers on the battlefield. Those with loved ones serving their country may have found comfort knowing that God had a plan, and that He was watching over their soldiers. Other hymns, as well as religion in general, were an important part of the soldiers' and officers' lives. Over forty million prayer books, hymn books, and Bibles were distributed among soldiers during the first two years of war by several different agencies. Many of the books had the typical inscription: "Please carry this in your pocket and read it every day" (Wilkinson 153).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Secret to Happiness-Counseling Psychology

Money and Happiness: The Problems of Understanding its Dynamic Relationship The want of money is the root of all evil. – Samuel Butler- Our society holds a taboo when it comes to explicitly speaking of the desire for money. However, at the same time our behaviors implicitly show us the extent of this desire. Many people spend much time analyzing the stock market for their next bid, millions of people buy lottery tickets looking for their big break, and many people fight with their siblings over their dead parents’ fortune. And the reason we so desperately pursue the accumulation of wealth is because we believe in its positive influence. We believe it will change our lives into a better one. We think it will make us happier. (Campbell, 1981) However, this is an issue still in question and an important one especially for counseling psychology. In this field, the relationship between money and life satisfaction is essential due to its relevance to career counseling. Considering that a jobs’ financial reward and hence its socioeconomic status is influential in career orientation for some people, the clarification of such relationship becomes crucial. And in accord to the importance of this issue, there has been abundant research relating to it. However, the results seem to be mixed and confusing. The purpose of this paper is to point out the shortcomings of previous works on this issue and additionally, to provide a new scope into which will be a guide for further research on this issue. Problems in samples and variables Previous studies have attempted to see if money increases happiness by looking into the lives of those who have a lot of money. But some of these studies seem to have missed out on a vital factor, sample size. In a study of some of the wealthiest people in the United States, Diener et al. (1985) found the happiness levels of these people to be only slightly above average than that of people with regular incomes. However, the sample size for this study was only 49. Also, Brickman et al. (1978) found that lottery winners were not happier than controls even after their sudden fortune. But his research contained only 22 lottery winners as participants. In both cases the sample size was much too small to make a general rule out of their research. There could have been plenty of other happier wealthy people who are on the Forbes 500 list or won the lottery but did not participate in the study. So it seems obvious that in future studies, the sample size should be enlarged as much as possible. This would be easier nowadays due to the increased number of millionaires and billionaires in general and quicker access to them through e-mail. Sometimes researchers seem to have failed to fully analyze the variables they used in their research. In a more recent study, researchers found that income increase over the course of 10 years had only a small positive impact on happiness (North et al. , 2008). This time the size of the sample was relatively large by 274, but certain variables within this sample diminished the implication of this study. Apart from the sample being from a concentrated area (San Francisco Bay area) and being mostly consisted of Caucasians (89%), the researchers have not fully analyzed the spending patterns of the samples’ income. They simply tried to correlate the total income with other variables such as happiness. But considering the possible fluctuations of expenditure during the course of 10 years, for example, due to emergencies or children’s college tuitions, the net worth of the increased income could have been no different during those 10 years. According to other research, having a strong sense of control over ones financial state can be linked to greater overall satisfaction and that strong sense of control is possible if there is sufficient net worth of income (Cummins, 2000). So without knowing whether the participants had sufficient net worth it would be somewhat misleading say that more income does not contribute to more happiness. Mixed Results The researches shown above are only a few of many that touch upon this issue of money and happiness. And due to many variables that complicate the relationship of the two, there have been plenty of mixed results. It has been shown that happiness is strongly correlated with increasing income at poverty levels (Diener & Biswas-Diener, 2002) whereas once income exceeds that level and basic needs are met, money matters only a little (Myers, 2000). On the other hand, there has been research that money generates opportunities for individuals to make better decisions that allow them to improve their well-being (Schwartz, 2004). But then again, more money seems to open possibilities for negative events in life such as divorce (Clydesdale, 1997). What all these findings and many others lead us to conclude is the old adage: â€Å"Money isn’t everything. † Considering Other Variables But knowing just that would not be fruitful. So in response to this unsurprising insight there have been many attempts to clarify the variables in which allow the correlation between money and well-being to be more clear. In one study, Johnson and Krueger (2006) collected a nationwide sample of 719 twin pairs in the United States. The researchers have demonstrated, through methods of self-report surveys, that an individual’s actual available money explained only about 10% of people’s perceptions of financial well-being, proving the old adage. Along with this finding they showed that perceived financial situation and perceived control over various life domains mediate the relationship between wealth and life satisfaction. In other words, those who believed that they have more control over their financial state and/or those who perceived their financial state in a positive light were happier with regard to how much money they had. This research is meaningful in that it tried to connect relative psychological factors that take crucial part in this issue of money and happiness. However this research is qualified in terms of understanding the question â€Å"Will earning more money make us happy? The main defect it has is that, because their study was not based on longitudinal data it does not show whether more money now than before effects happiness. It focused more on the effect of money on people’s well-being at a fixed time. Research Questions Considering that psychological factors can have a significant contribution to life satisfaction concerning money, an attractive research question would be whether increased income and the ability to perceive change, or retrospect, one’s socioeconom ic status have an impact on life satisfaction. One can assume that if an individual can clearly perceive how much better oneself is doing than before then that person might feel happier than someone who does not see that upward change. But one major factor these studies mentioned above miss out on is personal desire and values. So it would be also interesting to find out if people with different values or desires have different affects by increasing incomes. More specifically, finding out whether people who peg certain emotional rewards to the cquisition of material goods, and hence are extrinsically motivated, are more likely to become happier as their income increases would be a relevant research question. It would be recommendable for both research questions to be done by longitudinal studies. Conclusion This paper has looked into researches concerning money and happiness. This theme was found to be important not only because it concerns our modern life perception about happiness but also because this perception is a crucial e lement in making career plans for one’s life. Current research has shown problems with sampling and choosing the right variables. Some studies proved to be fruitful in that it factored in relevant psychological concepts that would mediate satisfaction regarding money. Also, it turns out that longitudinal studies are much more informative in knowing the effects of income change on well-being. The research question provided by this paper is relevant to current issues of this topic and to career counseling because it would clarify elements such as ability of retrospection and motivation types to be predictors of subjective well-being with regard to one’s income.

Language & state of chaos Essay

The lexical choices made by Beckett in the first act show many things, such as the relationship between Estragon and Vladimir, and the confusion of the characters as to the time and the meaning of their actions. The main characters, Estragon and Vladimir, switch roles continually, so not using language as an expression of their selves, therefore the words used show no badge of identity. This shows interchangeability in the characters, so keeping the audience searching for the characters’ own distinctive personality. This role switching that not even the characters’ roles/ personalities are certain. This confusion is increased with the characters’ inclination to talk in adjacency pairs like they are both speaking from the same train of thought To say that the language is in a state of chaos suggests there is utter confusion in the play, the audience can hear and understand the individual words being said, but cannot put them into a relevant context or meaning. This ‘chaos’ is seen frequently throughout Vladimir and Estragon’s conversations; although taking turns with one another while speaking, they do not engage in a conventional conversation, one character talks about one topic, while the other talks about a different subject all together. The first moment I have chosen reflects this chaotic language; the two characters talk about the bible, beginning in conventional adjacency pairs, Vladimir: â€Å"Did you ever read the bible? † Estragon: â€Å"The bible†¦ I must have looked at it† but then the conversation starts to waver on Estragon’s part – Vladimir: â€Å"Do you remember the story? † Estragon: â€Å"No. † Vladimir: â€Å"Shall I tell it to you? † Estragon: â€Å"No. † And finally, the language and conversation between the two becomes chaotic – Estragon: â€Å"Saved form what? † Vladimir: â€Å"Hell. † Estragon: â€Å"I’m going. † This deterioration in the exchanges between the two characters shows the pettiness of them both; they seem to squabble about anything, no matter how inane it seems to the audience. This can be seen as due to the lack of meaning or activity in their lives, with them using any method of keeping boredom at bay. This interaction between the two characters shows their abuse of Grice’s maxim of relevance, as one character’s speech holds no relevance to that of the other’s. In this moment in the play there is a lot of uncertainty for both the characters and the audience, which Beckett creates mainly via the language used by the two main protagonists. The characters are unsure about what the other is talking about, Estragon: â€Å"Who? † Vladimir: â€Å"What? † Estragon: â€Å"What’s all this about? â€Å", and they are also uncertain of what really happens in the bible, Vladimir: â€Å"But all four were there†¦ why believe him rather than the others? † The audience is made uncertain of the meaning of the character’s talking about the bible, it is near the start of the play so they do not know what is to come. My second moment is different form my first as Estragon and Vladimir are now joined by two passing characters, Pozzo and Lucky, although Lucky does not speak till later on in their meeting. Pozzo speaks of how much pressure Lucky, his knook, puts on him, this is all an act on his part, but Estragon and Vladimir believe him, they repeat Pozzo’s words to add definition and to show their feelings of sadness towards him, Pozzo: â€Å"It’s terrible†¦ he must go†¦ I’m going mad†¦ I cant bear it†¦ any longer†¦ † Vladimir: â€Å"He can’t bear it. † Estragon: â€Å"Any longer. † Vladimir: â€Å"He’s going mad. † Estragon: â€Å"It’s terrible. † This makes Estragon and Vladimir look rather naive as they believe Pozzo straight away and accuse Lucky of ‘crucifying’ Pozzo, but are then told by Pozzo that he was lying. Estragon and Vladimir’s language in this moment is still chaotic, repeating themselves and each other, and showing confusion at what each other said, using the word ‘what’ several times as a response. Their ‘adjacency pairs’ are jarred and do not seem to fit together, Vladimir: â€Å"I don’t think so† Estragon: â€Å"What? † Vladimir: â€Å"I don’t know† Estragon: â€Å"Ask him†. They then go on to talk mundanely about the evening, which turns into babblings of irrelevant words, Vladimir: â€Å"Worse than the pantomime. † Estragon: â€Å"The circus† Vladimir: â€Å"The music-hall. † Estragon: â€Å"The circus† This is an example of their words and thoughts reflecting a single unit, as if it were just one person speaking, showing their relationship to be so close they are starting to think alike. This chaotic language also reflects the uncertainty theme, which runs through the play, shown through the character’s lexis and actions (seen in the secondary text). This chaos is shown when Pozzo appears to have lost his pipe, Estragon says â€Å"He’s a scream. He’s lost his dudeen. † This is a word coined by Beckett which does not seem to have any meaning, showing how Beckett uses language to confuse the audience, as it seems slightly ridiculous how Estragon makes up a word purely to rhyme with ‘scream’. The chaotic language in the play seems mainly on a humorous level, for example, in the second moment chosen Vladimir rushes off to relieve himself, while doing this Estragon shouts â€Å"end of corridor on the left†, even though both the characters and audience are aware they are in the middle of nowhere with just a tree. Both of the moments chosen show language to be in a state of chaos, thus supporting the opinion that nothing is certain in the play, although there are certain factors that make this statement debatable which should be taken into account, for example, Vladimir and Estragon’s relationship, they have known each other for a long time as they share memories etc. It can also be said that the certainty of some topics in the play is left up to the audience to understand, through the situation and the characters.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Business Communication Essay

1) Discuss the scope of business communication? a12 a11 State the principles of business communication? a12 Draw communication process? Discuss the importance of business communication ? s12 What are the principles of business communication? discuss any three of them ? s12 a11 Mention the ways of improving the effectiveness of communication ? a11 Discuss the characteristics of effective communication ? s11 Discuss the process of effective communication ? s11 Mention the 7e’s of business communication ? s11 2) discuss the types of communication ?a12 explain downward communication with advantages and disadvantages ?a12 Discuss the different situations for considering the written communication as an effective tools? a12 What are the merits of downward communication ? s12 define horizontal communication? briefly discuss the forms of horizontal communication?s12 s11 distinguish between oral communication and written communication ? s12 mention the different means of non-verbal communication with examples ? a11 briefly discuss the forms of upward communication ? a11 discuss the merits and demerits of written communication ? a11 State the demerits of oral communication ? s11 Discuss the merits of downward and upward communication ? s11 3) What are the barriers to communication ? a12 Write a memorandum asking the employees to use the canteen only during the fixed hour ? a12 Suppose you are a manager of ABC company , write a notice informing the employees about the change in office timings during the Ramadan ?a12 Draft a memorandum to the office staff emphasizing the need of observing punctuality and adhering to lunch hour ? s12 As a secretary of business club , DBA at permanent campus write a notice to arrange a monthly Executive Committee meeting ? s12 Briefly discuss the parts of a Business Letter with example and its specimen ? a11 s11 Suppose you are a manager of AB Bank Ltd. , CDA avenue. One of your officer , Mr. Abul Kalam has got a promotion as a senior officer, write a letter to congratulate him. A11Â  Define informal communication. discuss the four predictable pattern of informal communication network ? s11 What are the difference between the formal and informal communication ? s11 Briefly explain the different forms of non verbal communication ? s11 4) Why business letters is different from personal letters ? briefly discuss the guidelines for writing a social letters? A11 As a sales manager of Otobi Furniture Pvt. Ltd, write a letter of regret to one of your corporate clients by explaining the reasons of delay delivery of their ordered products . a12 Suppose one of your colleagues has been awarded as the best employee of your organization, draft a letter of congratulation to him . a12 As a sales manager of BSRM steel , write a letter of thanks to the purchase manager of Sanmar Properties Ltd for their large order ? s12 As a manager of Dhaka Bank Ltd Agrabad Branch , write a letter of appreciation to Mr Zakir Hossian – One of your sales executive for his outstanding performance to fulfill the target of bring tk 35 lac as a deposit. S12 Suppose you are a Sales Manager of Credit Card Division of EBL.. one of your sales executives has shown good sales performance by fulfilling his monthly target. Now write a letter of appreciation to recognize his well performance . s11 Short notes: a11 Process of business communication Formal group vs. informal group Grapevine Barriers of effective communication Sketch the types of business communication

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Analysis of Kate Chopin’s “The Storm” Essay

Kate Chopin’s short story, â€Å"The Storm,† generally revolves around the theme of adultery. This is depicted by the story’s two main characters, Calixta and Alcee, who became involved in a momentary affair with one another. In the story, Alcee, who is Calixta’s former lover, had to take refuge into her home because of a strong storm passing by. Upon doing so, the two rekindled their past affections, which are mainly sensual, for each other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theme of adultery was first depicted the moment Calixta let Alcee into her home. This was also the first instance that the author showed that she may still have hidden desires for Alcee. This was vividly illustrated when Calixta was â€Å"startled† (Chopin) by Alcee as if she was in a â€Å"trance† (Chopin). Although she was mainly concerned for her husband, Bobinà ´t, and her son, Bibi, who both decided to remain on a store until the storm had passed, she eventually gave in to Alcee when he hugged her and they subsequently had sex, which signifies that her feelings for him were still alive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, despite the fact that adultery was evidently the main theme of the story, the actions of Calixta and Alcee had no negative consequences or adverse affects. This was shown when the author depicted that the sexual activity of the two heightened just as the storm ravaged the surroundings. In short, like any other storm, the author implied that adultery was normal and natural. This was further supported by the last sentence in the story which was â€Å"So the storm passed and everyone was happy† (Chopin). In other words, the storm symbolized, in a way, the adulterous acts of Calixta and Alcee. But the difference is, their actions did not adversely affect any character in the story as everyone remained happy. Works Cited Chopin, Kate. â€Å"The Storm.† 2008. 27 September 2008 .

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Passage to India: Culture Clash

CONTEXT British context ?Forster was a British writer and most of his readers were British. His work reflects also England and the period in which Forster lived and wrote. He is commonly regarded as an Edwardian novelist, because his first four novels were published during the reign of King Edward VII (1901-1910); in this period his values and outlook were developed. ?England had undergone the traumatic experience of the First World War; more than 750000 soldiers were killed, along with another million from other parts of British Empire. Between 1912 and 1924, the British policy had also changed: there were two main parties, the Liberal and the Conservative. ?British Empire was changing. The change was more evident in Ireland. Ireland gained the indipendence in 1921. KEY POINTS ?FULL TITLE: â€Å"A Passage to India† ?AUTHOR: Edward Morgan Forster ?TYPE OF WORK: Novel ?TIME AND PLACE WRITTEN: 1912-1924 England ?DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 1924 ?TENSE: Past ?THEMES: Culture Clash ; Friendship; Ambiguity; Religion ?CHARACTERS: Dr Aziz, Mr Fielding, Adela Quested, Mrs. Moore, Ronny Healsop ? SETTING ( TIME ): 1910s or 1920s SETTING ( PLACE ): India, specifically the cities of Chandrapore and Mau. Carico†¦ CHARACTERS Dr Aziz ?Is the central Indian character in the novel. ?He works at the government hospital in Chandrapore. ?He writes poetry and his favorite poetic themes are: the Decay of Islam and the brevity of Love. ?He’s described as a true â€Å"Oriental† person. ?He’s very goodwill and his impulsive nature get him into situations that cause him trouble. ?Like many of his friends prefers to communicte throught confidences, underlying words and indirect speech ? Like many other Indians struggles with the problem of the English in India.CHARACTERS Mr Fielding ?The principal of the Government College (that is, a British? run school) in Chandrapore. ?He has â€Å"no racial feelingâ€Å". ?He’s far and away most the successful at developing relationships with native Indians. ?He’s less comfortable in teacher – student interaction than he is in one -on- one conversation with another individual ? Serves as Forster’s model of liberal humanism. ?At the and of the novel Forster seems to identify with Fielding less. CHARACTERS Adela Quested ?Her character develops in parallel to Mrs Moore’s one ?She’s an individual and educated free thinker Adela hopes to see the â€Å"real India† ?She puts her mind to the task, but not her heart and therfore never connects with Indians. CHARACTERS Mrs. Moore ?Mrs. Moore serves a double function in â€Å"A Passage to India† ? She’s initially a literal character. ?She becomes more a symbolic presence. ?The solution to the problem in India. ?Her name becomes more associeted with Hinduism ?She’s the heroine of the novel CHARACTERS Ronny Heaslop ?Forster ‘s emphasis is on the change that happened, when Ronny firs t arrived in India. ?Ronny’s character is a sort of case, an exploration of the restrictions of English colonial. Ronny’s tastes, opinions and even his manner of speaking are no longer his own, but those of older, ostensibly wiser British Indian officials. ?Clash with both Adela and his mother, Mrs. Moore. CHARACTERS There are also some characters that are less important that the previous and are: ? Mahmoud Ali: a Moslem and a close friend of Dr Aziz. ?Major Callender: the head of the government hospital in Chandrapore. ?Professor Godbole: an Indian who teaches at the college of Chandrapore. ?Hamidullah: a Moslem, educated at Cambridge University. ?Mr. McBride: the district superintendent of police in Chadrapore.Carico†¦ DEEPENING ON FEMALE CHARACTERS ?Adela Quested ?A young Englishwoman who comes to India With Mrs. Moore. ?She is expected to marry Mrs. Moore's son Ronny Heaslop. ?Her behavior radically affects the lives of the characters around her. ?On a symboli c level, Adela may also represent most people's inability to communicate or to understand the deeper patterns and meaning of life. While she is at Fielding's tea party, she remarks that she is not planning to stay long in India. ?She breaks off her engagement with Ronny and stays with Fielding for a while before leaving India and returning to England.She does not reappear after this. DEEPENING ON FEMALE CHARACTERS ?Mrs. Moore. ?She is the most sensitive and reflective of the English characters. ? An elderly widow, she is the mother of Ronny Heaslop, She also has another son, Ralph, and a daughter, Stella, by her second marriage. ?Mrs. Moore is introduced in Chapter two when she meets Dr. Aziz in the mosque in Chandrapore. Her they talk, and a friendship develops: Aziz is happy to have met an English person who is sympathetic toward him and India, while Mrs. Moore finds Aziz charming, intelligent, and interesting. ?In the meantime, Mrs.Moore argues with Ronny and when it becomes clea r that Ronny and Adela will not marry, Mrs. Moore realizes that her duties there were evidently finished. She doesn’t want to see India; Mrs. Moore has lost interest in the trip. For her, the echo's message is â€Å"Everything exists, nothing has value. † Shortly thereafter? just before Aziz's trial? she leaves India; we later learn that she has died on the voyage back to England However, her presence continues to be felt after her death. ?At the end of the novel, the spirit of Mrs. Moore returns to India symbolically in the form of her daughter Stella, who has married Mr.Fielding. THEMES Culture Clash ?The clash between two differents cultures, those of the east and those of the West. ?The West is represented by the Anglo – Indians in Chandrapore. ?Their social life centers around the Chandrapore Club. ?They have no desire to â€Å"understand† India or Indians. ?The East is represented by the Indians. ?We have a clash also between two distinct group of I ndian: Moslems and Hindus. ?â€Å"Hindus have no idea of society†. THEMES Friendship ?Is one of the most important things in life. ?There are many friendships : 1. Dr Aziz and his friends Hamidullah and Mahmoud Ali . Dr Aziz and Mrs. Moore 3. Aziz has a curious friendship with Professor Godbole. 4. British and Indians ?Impersonal forces at work in India will not yet allow the friendship between English and Indians. THEMES Ambiguity ?â€Å"A Passage to India† is full of ambiguity. ?In chapter 7 are introduced two terms that are repeated several times througthout the novel: â€Å"mistery† and â€Å"muddle†. ?Doubt and ambiguity surround two different events in the book that occur at the Marabar Caves: 1. Those of Adela. 2. Those of Mrs. Moore. THEMES Religion ?Religion is the major preoccupation in the book. The three parts of the book; Mosque – Cave and Temple, generally correspond to these religions: 1. Aziz loves the cultural aspects of his Islami c heritage. 2. The Anglo – Indians are spokemen of Christianity 3. Professor Godbole is the central Hindu figure in the book. His belief is the most representative of the true spirit of India. STYLE ?â€Å"A Passage to India† is written in the third person, with an impersonal narrative voice. ?The narrator is apparently omniscent. ?The narrative focus shifts from a description of external events and enters the consciousness of one character or another. At the same time, however, the narrative withholds a full explanation of certain events, most notably the misadventures that befall Mrs. Moore and Adela Quested at the Marabar Caves. Indeed, in recounting these details, the narrator is ambiguous rather than omniscient. STRUCTURE ?â€Å"A Passage to India† is divided into three parts or sections: 1. Part 1 , titeld â€Å"Mosque†, takes place during the cool, dry season. 2. Part 2, titeld â€Å" Caves†, takes place during the hot season. 3. Part 3, tit led, â€Å"Temples†, takes place during the rain season. ?Part 3 is the shortest of the three sections of the novel and might be considered as an epilogue.SETTINGS ?Chandrapore and in the Marabar Caves ?Within the town itself the author identifies several settings: 1. Civil Station 2. Chandrapore Club 3. Public places ?The third section is set in the town of Mau, a Hindu state several miles from Chandrapore. SETTINGS Although Forster uses poetic license in naming places, the settings correspond to real places in India. The novel's main city, Chandrapore, is actually based on the Indian suburb Bankipore, part of the city of Patna in the northern region of Bihar. The invented name, however, is not so far fetched.Forster probably chose this city for its different representation of India: its culture, history, and nature are all noteworthy. The town of Mau, is an example of an Indian hill station, a retreat from Indian plains that offers a serene place of beauty to both tourists and natives. The Marabar Caves about which Aziz knows so little are based on the Jain Temples on the Barabar Hills, once considered a retreat for Jain monks. The most impressive of the four caves on the Barabar Hills is Loma Rishi. The three other caves on the Barabar Hill are Sudama), Karnachopar, and Visvajhopri. SYMBOL ?The most obvious symbols are mosque and cave.Both for Aziz and Mrs. Moore, the mosque is a symbol of refuge and peace, a sanctuary. The first meeting of Aziz and Mrs. Moore takes place in the mosque at night, under the moonlight. Mrs. Moore has gone to the mosque because she is bored with the play she has been attending at the Chandrapore club. ?The mosque, is a symbol of the â€Å"real† India. ?The cave bears some resemblance to the mosque, in that both are closed spaces. Here, however, the resemblance ends. The cave is dark, featureless, and menacing. Although there are many caves at Marabar, it is impossible to distinguish one from another; they are all alike. We don’t know the real meaning of this symbol but It is at least certain that whatever else they might suggest, they stand for misunderstanding and meaninglessness, or what Mrs. Moore calls â€Å"muddle. † THE UNCERTAINTY IN THE CENTRAL EPISODE. ?One of the most unique aspects of Forster's novel is the uncertainty, the sense of not defined, which is focused on the central episode of the book: the alleged attempted rape in Marabar caves. In fact, the writer says nothing about what actually happened in the caves; in the novel there is a contrast between the before and the after that leaves the door open to interpretation. Forster himself said so very ambiguous, â€Å"In the caves there is, a man an hallucination or the supernatural. If I say it becomes whatever the answer, a different book. â€Å" ? This uncertainty is also present in the film: between the before and the after there’s a sharp cut that the viewer can interpret as he wishes, by carefully ob serving the scene we can feeling that Aziz is actually entered the cave with Adela but we aren’t sure of what he did. EXTRAS Islam Hinduism In Islam, belief in one God is the most important belief.Their God is called ALLAH, the Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him Hinduism is commonly percived as a politheistic religion. Indeed, most Hindus would attest to this, by proffessing belif in multiple Gods. Islam exhorts man to consider himself and his surroundings as examples of Divine Creation. The trees belongs to God, The sun belongs to God†¦ The mayor differences between the Hindu and the Muslim perception of God is the common Hindus’ belif in the philosofy of Pantheism. The common Hindu considers everything as God.The major difference between the Hindu and Muslim belifs is the difference of the apostrophe â€Å"s† Hinduism has a caste system, with four major castes. Members of each are re quired by strict religious laws to follow hereditary occupations and to refrain from intermarriage or eating with members of another castes. The highest or priestly and intellectual caste is that of Brahmans,. The remain three are: Kshatriya (warrior caste), Vaisya (agricultural caste) and Sudras ( the low caste) In Islam, all humans are created equal, infact Islam rejects characterizing God as favoring certain individuals or nations.Everyone may distinguish himself and get His favour through virtue and piety. Cow is a sacred animal. Cows can’t be killed or eaten Muslims belive that each person has a body and a soul. Your faith and actions in this life will determine your fate in the life after Death. Hiduists believe in body and soul. Your soul returns to your body after death. Your status of caste in next life depends on your deeds in the previous life.