Saturday, April 6, 2019

Refusal for Eating Disorders Essay Example for Free

Refusal for Eating Disorders EssayThe controversial issue of damages companies and mental health woo is an ongoing battle. Initially, I would manage to say that take in disorders ar emotionally based rather than physically. Emotions be from the mind where there argon thoughts, perceptions, motivations, and imaginations. Emotions are what we feel inside of us that cause us to number in a certain manner, although some peoples emotions are so powerful that their actions are uncontrollable. This is the case with throw off disorders.Therefore, how could any integrity choose to ignore a victim with an emotional problem like take in disorders, and refuse 100 percent medical coverage for this ailment? The restitution companys logical system or ability to manipulate this refusal of medical coverage for consume disorders is due to the unregulated controls by federal regulations that gives insurance companies all the administrative, and authority to refuse medical coverage for take in disorders. Over the years feeding disorders have been misunderstood and poorly explained by insurance companies.It is included in the list of mental heathland diseases, along with perceptions and distinguishing features that can be identified by medical personnel. However, today I sense ingest disorders are renowned mental infirmityes that affect all walks-of-lives, and should receive entire medical coverage. The National plaque for Women, 2007 stated that typically, insurance companies cover the cost of tr feeding the physical symptoms such as heart failure, kidney failure, rupture of the esophagus, ulcers and soaring blood pressure.Yet, the interferences that address the mental health of the patient, and the root causes of the disorder, are not generally covered, or are only partially covered. However, I feel that the treatment to an sickness is cured through its roots and mayhap there should be more financial support in the root of this illness. I thought the feel for health care was designed to make people healthier in opposition to extracting money from the near customers.It is obvious that ten million Americans suffer from eating disorders (Kramer, 2007) according to estimates from several cognize health conventions. Moreover, roughly all of those victims felt powerless because of something they were feeling inside themselves. But what happened to the genuine care of others? Medical insurance companies have ne devilrks of physicians, and facilities with a wealth of knowledge that have served loyal families, companies, and athletes for years.Those physicians are also well handy within their particular field, and certainly know what is best for their patients. Some medical insurance companies do bequeath treatments to their members, however they are normally limited. Perhaps, this is the reason why the effectiveness of a full recover subsequently treatment for eating disorder is only 60 percent. (Kramer, 2007). At one time eatin g disorders were rarely talked about, kept hidden from others and very poorly understood.Although, today medical experts now know that eating disorders are mental heath diseases since they have recognizable causes, clear symptoms, and predictable out comes but indemnity companies consider an eating disorder severe based on the number of times that it recurs (Kramer Others, 2007), and I deal this is ridiculous. Surprisingly, there are only 43 percent of the American population that are fully advised of the different types of eating disorders, and the resulting health complications that can occur with them. (NEDA. 2007).However, the other 57 percent could be the insurance companies, or heretofore friends that could provide a strong shoulder with instinct during difficult times An eating disorder occurs when a person ties his or her self-esteem, personality, and happiness, and their way of life with pabulum (Strada, 2001). Individuals who demonstrate those types of traits are kn own as having an eating disorder and distressing as it may sound, most victims and none victims are not fully mindful of this disease.A model of this unaware mindset of eating disorders is witness daily during a group discussion among friends. A group of acquaintances or insurance agents may have expressed their judgment of a friend by wording John is obese because he always stays alkali and watches TV shows, he has no desire to lose any system of weights. Another opinion from the group may be Mary is a very tiny women, she probably wears a size two. In both instances, John, Mary, and their acquaintances lack the knowledge of this life threatening illness perhaps this is just one more reason why those illnesses should be covered via insurance.This well-known psychology has clearly demonstrated a concrete motive for eating however insurance companies continue to ignore the systematic symptoms of this dreadful illness in spite of its increases since the mid 1950s. (Whelan, 2002). E ating disorders are not one particular illness instead it is made-up of four different types of illnesses that consist of anorexia, bulimia nervosas, compulsive overeating, and binge eating. This constitutes the need to identity operator them separately, each one should be looked upon differently in order to gain a better understanding of them, and at this same hopefully this issue on insurance coverage should raise the level of uncomfortableness and stress the need for more coverage and education regarding these disorders. Anorexia nervosas, is a an illness which someone deliberately keeps their weight below a healthy level, often see themselves as fat and may look like a person of starvation. Bulimia nervosas is an illness in which people eat large amount of food in short time and get rid of it by purging themselves. Purging is usually by vomiting and/or taking laxatives. Compulsive overeating, it is driven by an urge that the person cannot control. It can be triggered by hunge r but is often a response to negative thoughts or feeling. Binge eating disorder (BED), the binges involve at least three of the following, eating very quickly, eating until uncomfortable full, eating when not physically hungry, eating alone because of embarrassment about the amount eaten, felling disgusted, depressed, or very illegal afterwards (Whelan, 2001). Eating disorders dont discriminate, instead, affecting everyone from females to males, wrestlers, insurance agents, and celebrities. They have affected lightweight boxers, family and friends, even affecting Diana, Princess of Wales. She suffered from bulimia and spoke to the public about the emotional aspects of her illness (Whelan Others 2001).It was once believed that eating disorders lay out in the teenage years to due to physical, emotion, and social changes that youth experience, and it was once known that women suffering from eating disorders did not speak out, and older women in their 40s and 50s rarely experienced symptoms of eating disorders although now circumstances have changed. There are still more reported cases of females suffering from eating disorders then men, however, there are now reported cases were a nine-year-old boy was diagnosed with eating order, and other boys and men are now stepping forrard for help.Additionally, older women in their mid 40s to 50s are also now experiencing relapse and new cases are rise up within the same age groups for having eating disorders. (Kramer Others, 2007). Accept as the truth, or not but eating disorders are four mental illnesses, and the American people including myself are unhappy with insurance companys lack of support. Furthermore, there are insurance companies in this era that have been sued for millions of dollars, all for refusing to pay for treatment of 21-years-old anorexic a type of eating disorder,a women who committed suicide because of her emotional shortfalls, and ignored cry for help.

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